sâmbătă, 29 ianuarie 2011

Commander Check-in Day 14 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 28, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

Nikon pe Marte 

Crew Physical Status: Good; in the Pirate tradition, the Captain got a wood splinter under a nail while singing "Time to say Goodbye"

Time Departed/Returned from EVA: 5 PM-5:20 PM

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: Solar clock finished. No EVA report forthcoming.

EVA Data/Interpretations: We put the "5 o'clock" stone on the solar clock.

Engineering/Hab Maintenance: -

Report Transmission Schedule: Intended by 8 PM. Final report of Crew 98 forthcoming tonight.

Plans for Tomorrow: Crew rotation, looking forward to meet the 99ers.

Inventory: We found the missing ATV cover; we had bought a replacement one.

Support Requested:

Miscellaneous: We overused the Internet alloted for today, as i-tunes went, without us knowing, into automatic update mode.

vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011

Commander Check-in Day 13 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 27, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

Nikon pe Marte
Crew photos for January 27, 2011.

Crew Physical Status: Excellent

Time Departed/Returned from EVA: -

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: -

EVA Data/Interpretations: -

Engineering/Hab Maintenance: -

Report Transmission Schedule: Intended by 8 PM.

Plans for Tomorrow: Last day of sim - we will finish the solar clock.

Inventory: Motorola radio not found as yet. We will order a replacement.

Support Requested: -

Miscellaneous: -

joi, 27 ianuarie 2011

Commander Check-in Day 12 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 26, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

Crew photos for January 26, 2011.

Crew Physical Status: Good

Time Departed/Returned from EVA: As per the EVA report.

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: As per the EVA report.

EVA Data/Interpretations: As per the EVA report

Engineering/Hab Maintenance: -

Report Transmission Schedule: Intended by 8 PM - commander's check-in, commander's report, chef's report, and engineering report. The EVA report will arrive a little bit later.

Plans for Tomorrow: Will be decided in the morning.

Inventory: ATV cover has been replaced by a new one we purchased from amazon.com. We are still missing the Motorola radio, and if not found in due time, we will replace that as well with a new one.

Support Requested: -

Miscellaneous: -

miercuri, 26 ianuarie 2011

Commander Check-in Day 11 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 25, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

Crew photos for January 25, 2011.

Crew Physical Status: Excellent

Time Departed/Returned from EVA: 4PM-6PM

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: Rover (GRIVEI) mission.

EVA Data/Interpretations: As per the EVA report.

Engineering/Hab Maintenance: Another visit from DG, the friendliest Martian ever.

Report Transmission Schedule: Intended by 8 PM.

Plans for Tomorrow: Will be decided in the morning.

Inventory: One Motorola radio missing; we will order a replacement from Amazon.com

Support Requested: -

Miscellaneous: -

marți, 25 ianuarie 2011

Commander Check-in Day 10 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 24, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

Crew photos for January 24, 2011.

Crew Physical Status: Excellent

Time Departed/Returned from EVA: Several EVAs performed

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: Solar clock partially built; science mission.

EVA Data/Interpretations: As per the EVA report

Engineering/Hab Maintenance: Another visit from DG, the friendliest Martian ever.

Report Transmission Schedule: Intended by 8 PM.

Plans for Tomorrow: We will take GRIVEI the Rover on a mission.

Inventory: Haritina and the commander performed a freeze-dried food inventory.

Support Requested: DG is taking care of the plumbing.

Miscellaneous: -

luni, 24 ianuarie 2011

Commander Check-in Day 09 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 23, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

Crew photos for January 23, 2011.

Crew Physical Status: Excellent

Time Departed/Returned from EVA: 16:00-18:30

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: As per the EVA report

EVA Data/Interpretations: As per the EVA report

Engineering/Hab Maintenance: Haritina cleaned the EVA helmets, removed some scratches, and patched them with silicone.

Report Transmission Schedule: Intended by 8:30 PM.

Plans for Tomorrow: Will be decided in the morning.

Inventory: -

Support Requested: -

Miscellaneous: Sunday on Mars, so we took it easy.

duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011

Commander Check-in Day 08 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 22, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

Crew photos for January 22, 2011.

Crew Physical Status: Excellent

Time Departed/Returned from EVA: Several EVAs performed

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: Solar clock partially built; reconnaissance mission.

EVA Data/Interpretations: As per the EVA report

Engineering/Hab Maintenance: Another visit from DG, the friendliest Martian ever. The commander is fixing some EVA helmets and removing the old microphone system.

Report Transmission Schedule: Intended [for all reports to be sent] by 8 PM.

Plans for Tomorrow: Will be decided in the morning.

Inventory: -

Support Requested: DG is taking care of the plumbing

Miscellaneous: -

sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011

EVA 04 Report Day 07 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 21, 2011
EVA 4 Report
Haritina Mogosanu Reporting

Time: 16.00-18.20

Crew Members: Haritina Mogosanu, Dragos Bratasanu, Virgiliu Pop

Site Location: N38.406694,-110.791155 (this is the site for the sundial)

We took the pictures along the track that goes out in the road.

Transit Mode: ATV and on foot

1. determine a location for a sundial made of rocks placed on the ground.
2. outreach - photo session


Location determined and construction started
Pictures taken

Lessons Learned:
First EVA for me, still under the impression that I am on Mars for real. I loved it.

Journalist Report Day 07 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 21, 2011
Journalist Report
Dragos Bratasanu Reporting

Today the ROMARS team members went out on a long EVA. It was my first EVA and I found it very difficult to breathe in the astronaut suit and even more difficult to take pictures through the helmet.

We went hiking on the mountains to discover a place to build a sun dial. After a long walk we found a spot not far from the hab and we decided to build the clock the following days. We just drew the circle and set up the center and tomorrow we will complete the clock with boulders - the hours.

Our mission biologist spent all day in the laboratory and she is very happy because her bacteria finally grew up.

Tonight I will go with Haritina to set up North for the sun dial and to photograph the Small Dipper. For the moment our Captain Cook is giving a performance in the kitchen.

We also ordered a new ATV cover; it should arrive next week.

Engineering Report Day 07 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 21, 2011
Engineering Report
Haritina Mogosanu Reporting


Kitty (Diesel Generator) (Used? Yes/No): used

Honey (Gas Generator) (Used? Yes/No): not used

Battery Charge Level:?
29.8 V everstart
34.5 V armor plate
40.9 V green

Notes/Comments (include how many generator runs, approximately when, and any times you needed to turn the generator on/off):
1 generator run all day OK

Fuel Status:

Diesel (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.5

Propane Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.36

Gasoline Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty):1 containers full x 5 gallons 2 half


Oil: not checked DG said to leave it on him

Kitty Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):2.5 gal

Honey Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):1 gal

ATV Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):on the engineering work bench 2 x 946 ml

Car Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):where is it?

Water Status:

Outside Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 12

Trailer Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): almost full

Hab Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 8

Potable Water Meter Reading: 411356



Condition of plants in Tank 1: plants dead please advise

Condition of plants in Tank 2: very poor

Condition of plants in Tank 3: improving

Greenhab notes/ comments:


Telescope Used? (Yes/no) no

Observatory Notes:


Used (yes/no):Yes- we moved it at the back
Oil Checked (yes/no):No
Tire Status:not checked
Odometer at end of day:-123188
Notes/Comments on Hab Car:

ATV 1 (Opportunity):
Used: y/n y
Oil Checked: y/n y
Fuel Consumed: filled
Tire Status:checked

ATV 2 (Spirit):
Used: y/n y
Oil Checked: y/n y
Fuel Consumed:replaced
Tire Status:checked

ATV 3 (Viking I):
Used: y/n n
Oil Checked: y/n n
Fuel Consumed: replaced
Tire Status: not checked
Comments: started

ATV 4 (Viking II):
Used: y/n y
Oil Checked: y/n y
Fuel Consumed: replaced
Tire Status: checked

Heating and Ventilation:

Thermostat setting upstairs (Fahrenheit): 58
Actual temperature upstairs (Fahrenheit): 76

Thermostat setting downstairs (Fahrenheit): 55
Actual temperature downstairs (Fahrenheit): 66

Computers/Networking Infrastructure:

Notes/comments on internet/computers?: all OK

General Engineering
1. Notes/Comments:
DG came today and made major repairs to the plumbing and the insulation as you may know.
2. We have ordered a replacement for the lost ATV cover.

Commander Report Day 07 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 21, 2011
Commander's Report
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

After watching 'Supernova' and keeping to praise Haritina for her 'scovergi' (Romanian tortillas), which apparently will enter the MDRS recipe book, we went to bed, and woke up - as usual - rather late. This is absolutely OK with the commander - as long as everybody does their job, he is totally happy!

We had breakfast - tortillas with salami - then Haritina finished writing-up her recycling proposal and sent it to the powers-that-be. The captain then left the base with Dragos and Haritina, on a long EVA, aimed at locating an appropriate place for building a sundial. Romanians have a multi-millenary sundial tradition - the one built by our ancestors the Dacians is still standing in Sarmizegetusa.

We left the hab on good hands - Iulia (NOT Lulia!, her name begins with I, and translates as July) and Betty tended to their science samples, while DG came with a team and performed extensive hab repairs with no EVA suit!

Back to the captain and his away team - we located a suitable sundial spot not far from the hab and started to build it - we hope to finish it tomorrow. Then back at the hab, where we'll soon enjoy some kung-fu chicken.

Jerry has not been seen today, and we hope that Planet Mars won't be known as Planet Mouse. On a personal note, the commander saw the mouse problem coming - when packing his bags for the MDRS, his cat sneaked in and was, unfortunately, chased away.

Commander Check-in Day 07 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 21, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

Nikon pe Marte Ziua 7
Crew photos for January 21, 2011.

Crew Physical Status: Excellent

Time Departed/Returned from EVA: 1 PM-5 PM

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: Scouting mission for locating an appropriate sundial spot; outreach (photo) mission.

EVA Data/Interpretations: EVA number 4; sundial place located, and construction started.

Engineering/Hab Maintenance: DG visited the hab with his team and started extensive repairs.

Report Transmission Schedule: Intended by 8 PM.

Plans for Tomorrow: Finishing construction of the sundial.

Inventory: Replacement ATV cover ordered from amazon.com

Support Requested: DG will return, so things are in good hands.

Miscellaneous: -

vineri, 21 ianuarie 2011

EVA 03 Report Day 06 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 20, 2011
EVA 3 Report
Beatrice Gilea Reporting

Time: 13:00 - 17:00

Crew Members: Iulia Jivanescu, Dragos Bratasanu, Beatrice Gilea

Site Location:
1. N 38deg 25min 35sec
W 110deg 47min 0.3sec

2. N 38deg 25min 0.1sec
W 110deg 46min 54sec

Transit Mode: ATV

1. We went to search for an unnamed mountain in order to name it after a Romanian space personality

2. Rock and soil sampling

We named the mountain "Mount Piso". We climbed the mountain and took pictures of it and collected samples.

Lessons Learned:
It was very difficult to climb the mountain wearing the EVA suit.

Journalist Report Day 06 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 20, 2011
Journalist Report
Dragos Bratasanu Reporting

The day started today with a brief planning of our team for the movie we plan to make here. We have already discussed with a friend back in Romania who's a director of photography and he will do the editing upon our return.

After writing my press articles for the media in Romania, I switched and took up both the engineer and photographer role and went out on an EVA with our scientists. We discovered a wonderful mountain which we named after the President and CEO of the Romanian Space Agency, Dr. Marius Piso. The climb was very difficult but in the end we managed to get through it.

The EVA lasted for about four hours and now our astronomer is cooking traditional Romanian food with the supplies provided at the Hab. We would have liked for you all Mission Support to join on for dinner.

Geology Report Day 06 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 20, 2011
Science Report (Geology)
Iulia Jivanescu Reporting

Time: 13.00-17.00

Crew Members: Beatrice Gilea, Dragos Bratasanu , Iulia Jivanescu

Site Location: N 38deg 25 min 35 sec
W 110 deg 47 min 03 sec

N 38deg 25min 01 ec
W 110deg 46min 54sec

Transit Mode: ATV

Objectives: Analyze similar geomorphological processes that occur on Mars (ripple marks) with the ones that occur in the MDRS area and collect samples of soil and rock.

Results: Samples were not yet analysed.

Lessons Learned: It was very difficult to climb a mountain wearing the EVA suit.

Biology Report Day 06 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 20, 2011
Science Report (Biology)
Beatrice Gilea Reporting

Time: 13:00 - 17:00

Crew Members: Dragos Bratasanu, Iulia Jivanescu, Beatrice Gilea

Site Location:
1. N 38deg 25min 35sec
W 110deg 47min 0.3sec

2. N 38deg 25min 0.1sec
W 110deg 46min 54sec

Transit Mode: ATV

Objectives: Collect rock and soil samples and bring them to the Hab for microbiological analysis

Results: Samples not yet analysed

Lessons Learned: It was very difficult to climb the mountain while wearing the EVA suit.

Engineering Report Day 06 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 20, 2011
Engineering Report
Dragos Bratasanu Reporting


Kitty (Diesel Generator) (Used? Yes/No): used

Honey (Gas Generator) (Used? Yes/No): not used

Battery Charge Level:?
29.6 V everstart
34.5 V armor plate
40.9 V green

Notes/Comments (include how many generator runs, approximately when, and any times you needed to turn the generator on/off):
1 generator run all day ok

Fuel Status:

Diesel (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.5
Propane Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.36
Gasoline Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty):1 containers full x 5 gallons 2 half
Notes/Comments: - please advise on the dropping of the propane level

Oil: not checked DG said to leave it on him

Kitty Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):2.5 gal
Honey Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):1 gal

ATV Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):on the engineering work bench
2 x 946 ml

Car Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):where is it?

Water Status:

Outside Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 9
Trailer Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): full
Hab Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 6
Potable Water Meter Reading: 411074



Condition of plants in Tank 1: plants dead please advise
Condition of plants in Tank 2: very poor only 4 plants left
Condition of plants in Tank 3: improving

Greenhab notes/ comments:


Telescope Used? (Yes/no) yes
Observatory Notes:


Used (yes/no):Yes
Oil Checked (yes/no):No
Tire Status:not checked
Odometer at end of day:-123188
Notes/Comments on Hab Car:

ATV 1 (Opportunity):
Used: yes
Oil Checked: yes
Fuel Consumed: filled
Tire Status: checked
Comments: tires inflated

ATV 2 (Spirit): yes
Used: yes
Oil Checked: yes
Fuel Consumed:filled
Tire Status:checked
Comments: tires inflated

ATV 3 (Viking I):
Used: y/n n
Oil Checked: y/n n
Fuel Consumed: replaced
Tire Status:checked
Comments: tires inflated

ATV 4 (Viking II):
Used: y/n n
Oil Checked: y/n y
Fuel Consumed: replaced
Tire Status checked
Comments: started

Heating and Ventilation:
Thermostat setting upstairs (Farenheit): 54
Actual temperature upstairs (Farenheit): 77

Thermostat setting downstairs (Farenheit): 53
Actual temperature downstairs (Farenheit): 62

Computers/Networking Infrastructure:

Notes/comments on internet/computers?: all ok

General Engineering
Trouble with opening the Trailer Potable Water Tank in the morning, most probably because of freezing. Will retry later.

Commander Report Day 06 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 20, 2011
Commander's Report
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

Third SIM day started with a movie - if we are to count the day as starting at midnight ... none other than Galaxy Quest, partly filmed in the nearby Goblin Valley. After a good nights sleep, the crew had a late wake-up (the RoMars members perform very well when rested), then we had breakfast - tortillas with omelette and salami.

We then decided upon the day's plan, and received news from Mars Society that we can use the ATVs, as temporary registration has been issued. Mars may be far away from Earth, yet not far enough to escape Earth's bureaucracy!

Iulia, Betty and Dragos then went on a very long EVA, one of the aims being to bestow Romanian names upon some unnamed "Martian" features. Today is a special day - as Romania acceded to the European Space Agency convention! (and it's also Buzz Aldrin's birthday - Happy Birthday, Buzz!).

Meanwhile, the Captain (Virgil) got permission from the Mars Society engineering support to remove the old microphone system from the helmets - one down, five to go, and assisted Haritina in writing her recycling proposal to the Mars Society.

After the away team returned from the EVA, Haritina started to cook a delicious meal out of dehydrated food, and some Romanian tortillas called "scovergi", prompting the crew to declare their endless love to her and the fire alarm to beep. As Iulia went to her room, she seemed to hear mice noises - hence the Captain recommends a cat-in-residence.

Commander Check-in Report Day 06 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 20, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

Nikon pe Marte
Crew photos for January 20, 2011.

Crew Physical Status: Excellent

Time Departed/Returned from EVA: 13:00-17:30

Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: Soil samples collected.

EVA Data/Interpretations: EVA number 3; Samples to be analyzed.

Engineering/Hab Maintenance: We started to remove the old microphones from the spacesuit helmets; ATV tires got inflated.

Report Transmission Schedule: Intended by 8 PM.

Plans for Tomorrow: Will be decided in the morning.

Inventory: One extra mouse.

Support Requested: Pipes need to be fixed.

Miscellaneous: Third SIM day.

joi, 20 ianuarie 2011

EVA 02 Report Day 05 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 19, 2011
EVA 2 Report
Iulia Jivanescu Reporting

Time: 16.00-18.20 
Crew Members: Beatrice Gilea, Virgiliu Pop, Iulia Jivanescu 
Site Location: N 38deg 24 min 19 sec 
W 110 deg 47 min 00 sec 
N 38deg 24min 21 ec 
W 110deg 46min 51sec 
Transit Mode: Pressurized rover (SUV) 
Objectives: collect samples of soil and rock 
Results: samples were not yet analysed 
Lessons Learned: 
The helmets fogged and it was difficult to take samples. 
Also, it is impossible to see while the sun is oriented towards our face. 
We were tired and starving when we returned from EVA.

Journalist Report Day 05 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 19, 2011
Journalist Report
Dragos Bratasanu Reporting

The day begun very differently today, we encountered the first problems on Mars and the engineers immediately fixed them. 
The grey water pipe near the hab had a leak and it looked like it had been dripping for days. The engineers used tape and strings to solve the problem. We discovered later that we shouldn't have fixed it without checking with Mission Support and assured them that this will not happen again. 
At Mission Control we still have some problems with the rover, we are not able to charge it and are looking for a fast solution. 
At the end of the day, the scientists went on the second EVA, this time with the commander as the photographer in charge.

Geology Report Day 05 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 19, 2011
Science Report (Geology)
Iulia Jivanescu Reporting

Time: 16.00-18.20 
Crew Members: Beatrice Gilea, Virgiliu Pop, Iulia Jivanescu 
Site Location: N 38deg 24 min 19 sec 
W 110 deg 47 min 00 sec 
N 38deg 24min 21 ec 
W 110deg 46min 51sec 
Transit Mode: Pressurized rover (SUV) 
Objectives: take rock and soil samples and analyze them for temperature, pH and radioactivity; sample them for the Biologist. 
Collected rock samples in order to assess them on the Geological scale. 
Took pictures to compare the Hab environment with the Martian environment 
Results: samples not yet analysed 
Lessons Learned: 
The helmets fogged and it was difficult to take samples. 
Also it is impossible to see while the sun is oriented towards our face. 
We were tired and starving when we returned from EVA.

Biology Report Day 05 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 19, 2011
Science Report (Biology)
Beatrice Gilea Reporting

Time: 16.00-18.20 
Crew Members: Virgiliu Pop, Iulia Jivanescu, Beatrice Gilea 
Site Location: N 38deg 24 min 19 sec 
W 110 deg 47 min 00 sec 
N 38deg 24min 21 ec 
W 110deg 46min 51sec 
Transit Mode: Pressurized rover (SUV) 
Objectives: Collect rock and soil samples and bring them to the Hab for microbiological analysis 
Results: samples were not yet analyzed 
Lessons Learned: 
It was very difficult to see and take samples because the helmets fogged; 
Also it is impossible to see while the sun is oriented towards our face. 
We were tired and starving when we returned from EVA

Engineering Report Day 05 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 19, 2011
Engineering Report
Haritina Mogosanu Reporting

Kitty (Diesel Generator) (Used? Yes/No): used 
Honey (Gas Generator) (Used? Yes/No): not used 
Battery Charge Level:? 
29.7 V everstart 
34.7 V armor plate 
40.7 V green 
Notes/Comments (include how many generator runs, approximately when, and any times you needed to turn the generator on/off): 
1 generator run all day OK 

Fuel Status: 
Diesel (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.5 
Propane Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty):0.39 
Gasoline Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty):1 containers full x 5 gallons 2 half 

Oil: not checked DG said to leave it on him 
Kitty Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):2.5 gal 
Honey Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):1 gal 
ATV Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):on the engineering work bench 
2 x 946 ml 
Car Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):where is it? 

Water Status: 
Outside Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 10 
Trailer Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): full 
Hab Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 7.5 
Potable Water Meter Reading: 410697 

Condition of plants in Tank 1: plants dead please advise 
Condition of plants in Tank 2: very poor only 4 plants left 
Condition of plants in Tank 3: improving 
Greenhab notes/ comments: 

Telescope Used? (Yes/no) yes 
Observatory Notes: 

Used (yes/no):Yes 
Oil Checked (yes/no):No 
Tire Status:not checked 
Odometer at end of day:-123188 
Notes/Comments on Hab Car: 
ATV 1 (Opportunity): 
Used: y/n n 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: filled 
Tire Status:not checked 
Comments: started 
ATV 2 (Spirit):n 
Used: y/n n 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed:replaced 
Tire Status:not checked 
Comments: started 
ATV 3 (Viking I): 
Used: y/n n 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: replaced 
Tire Status: not checked 
Comments: started 
ATV 4 (Viking II): 
Used: y/n n 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: replaced 
Tire Status:not checked 

Heating and Ventilation: 
Thermostat setting upstairs (Farenheit): 58 
Actual temperature upstairs (Farenheit): 76 
Thermostat setting downstairs (Farenheit): 55 
Actual temperature downstairs (Farenheit): 64 

Computers/Networking Infrastructure: 
Notes/comments on internet/computers?: all OK 

General Engineering 
1. Notes/Comments: Had a leak at the outside gray water pipe, the water was flowing through the joint. 
2. One ATV cover lost to last nights wind.

Commander Report Day 05 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 19, 2011
Commander's Report
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

We all woke up at about 9 AM (we are late-risers, yet hard-workers), then we had breakfast - tortillas with peanut butter and jam (to Iulia's delight). 
Haritina's morning engineering round resulted in the discovery of a grey-water pipe leak, patched by her and Dragos. Mars is indeed hostile - the plumbing situation is in dire need of being fixed. Apart from being one crew member short, the permanent resident of the hab - (the) John is not cooperating. 
Haritina then discovered a stowaway - or is it martian life? - a little mouse! 
Afterward we tried to fix the rover - it is not broken, but we have a power converting issue: 110 to 220 volts. 
At 3 AM, the science team started to prepare for the EVA, and took the commander along in his first EVA. Mars is beautiful, yet very tiring - one can be Captain Cook, yet one cannot be a cook and go on the EVA in the same day! This was discovered once the commander returned, very tired, and was unable to 'cook' food, having to violate mission protocol and prepare some dehydrated food. I wonder if previous crews encountered the same problem! 
We did not eat as yet. We are all writing our reports. The engineers did their round and at 8 pm we'll eat. We may have an early night, apart from Haritina, whose love for the stars is far greater than her exhaustion.

Commander Check-in Day 05 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 19, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Crew Physical Status: One crew member is feeling a little sick. Could be from the EVA exhaustion or from having eaten too much peanut butter. 
Time Departed/Returned from EVA: 16:00-18:20 
Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: Soil samples collected. 
EVA Data/Interpretations: EVA number 2; Samples to be analised. 
Engineering/Hab Maintenance: Pipe leak patched. 
Report Transmission Schedule: Intended by 8 PM. 
Plans for Tomorrow: Will be decided in the morning. 
Inventory: Yesterday we reported the apparent lack of dehydrated, ready-made meals. A visit in the attic in order to read the water level resulted in their discovery. 
Also, we are missing an ATV cover, it was taken by the wind although all of them had been thoroughly secured. Mars is a windy place! 
Support Requested: Pipes need to be fixed. 
Miscellaneous: Second sim day.

miercuri, 19 ianuarie 2011

EVA 01 Report Day 04 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 18, 2011
EVA 1 Report
Beatrice Gilea Reporting

Time: 16:00 - 18:00 
Crew Members: Iulia Jivanescu, Dragos Bratasanu, Beatrice Gilea 
Site Location: 
1. N 38deg 24min 0,2sec 
W 110deg 47min 27sec 
Elevation 1359m 
2. N 38deg 24min 0,4sec 
W 110deg 47min 30sec 
Elevation 1363m 
Transit Mode: Pressurized rover (SUV) 
Objectives: Rock and soil sampling 
Results: Samples not yet analyzed 
Lessons Learned: A lot more difficult to work in a EVA suit - dexterity and mobility are impaired. We will have to get used to using the radio for communication at all times.

Geology Report Day 04 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 18, 2011
Science Report (Geology)
Iulia Jivanescu Reporting

Time: 16.00-18.00 
Crew Members: Beatrice Gilea, Dragos Bratasanu, Iulia Jivanescu 
Site Location: N 38deg 24 min 02 sec 
W 110 deg 47 min 27 sec 
N 38deg 24min 04sec 
W 110deg 47min 30sec 
Transit Mode: Pressurized rover (SUV) 
Objectives: take rock and soil samples and analyze them for pH and radioactivity; sample them for the Biologist. collected rock samples in order to assess them on the Geological scale 
Results: samples were not yet analysed 
Lessons Learned: The use of the hand drill was much more difficult while wearing the EVA suit.

Biology Report Day 04 Romars2011

Log Book for January 18, 2011
Science Report (Biology)
Beatrice Gilea Reporting

Time:16:00 - 18:00 
Crew Members: Iulia Jivanescu, Dragos Bratasanu, Beatrice Gilea 
Site Location: 
1. N 38deg 24min 0,2sec 
W 110deg 47min 27sec 
Elevation 1359m 
2. N 38deg 24min 0,4sec 
W 110deg 47min 30sec 
Elevation 1363m 
Transit Mode: Pressurized rover (SUV) 
Take rock and soil samples and bring them to the Hab for microbiological analysis 
Samples not yet analyzed 
Lessons Learned: 
It is very difficult to take samples (to keep the instruments sterile) for microbiological analysis while wearing the EVA suit.

Engineering Report Day 04 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 18, 2011
Engineering Report
Haritina Mogosanu Reporting

Kitty (Diesel Generator) (Used? Yes/No): used 
Honey (Gas Generator) (Used? Yes/No): not used 
Battery Charge Level:? 
29.6 V everstart 
34.5 V armor plate 
40.6 V green 
Notes/Comments (include how many generator runs, approximately when, and any times you needed to turn the generator on/off): 
1 generator run all day ok 

Fuel Status: 
Diesel (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.5 
Propane Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.397 
Gasoline Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty):1 containers full x 5 gallons 2 half 

Oil: not checked DG said to leave it to him 
Kitty Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):2.5 gal 
Honey Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):1 gal 
ATV Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):on the engineering work bench 
2 x 946 ml 
Car Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):where is it? 

Water Status: 
Outside Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 9 
Trailer Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): very low - little water left 
Hab Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 14 
Potable Water Meter Reading: 410363 

Condition of plants in Tank 1: plants dead please advise 
Condition of plants in Tank 2: very poor only 4 plants left 
Condition of plants in Tank 3: improving 
Greenhab Notes/Comments: plants are very few and have some leaves dead. I started the recovery procedure, removed dead leaves and separated some stolons. Plants look good now. 
Tank 3 has water hyacinth, duckweed, some fresh water algae and one more plant that looks like moss and has a tiny root. 
There is a Sagittaria sp in the second tank that started growth and has few tiny leaves. I removed all dead parts. 

Telescope Used? (Yes/no) yes 
Observatory Notes: telescope is severely out if alignment. I started aligning, first the finderscope. The Moon looks beautiful through it tonight. 

Used (yes/no):Yes 
Oil Checked (yes/no):No 
Tire Status:not checked 
Odometer at end of day: 123186 
Notes/Comments on Hab Car: 
ATV 1 (Opportunity): 
Used: y/n n 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: filled 
Tire Status:not checked 
Comments: started 
ATV 2 (Spirit):n 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed:replaced 
Tire Status:not checked 
Comments: started 
ATV 3 (Viking I): 
Used: y/n n 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: replaced 
Tire Status: not checked 
Comments: started 
ATV 4 (Viking II): 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: replaced 
Tire Status:not checked 

Heating and Ventilation: 
Thermostat setting upstairs (Farenheit): 58 
Actual temperature upstairs (Farenheit): 79 
Thermostat setting downstairs (Farenheit): 55 
Actual temperature downstairs (Farenheit): 68 

Computers/Networking Infrastructure: 
Notes/comments on internet/computers?: all ok 

General Engineering Notes/Comments:

Commander Report Day 04 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 18, 2011
Commander's Report
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

First simulation day! 
It started with a nice oatmeal breakfast, then we performed a thorough cleaning of the whole hab ... we decided that the lower deck is "slippers only', the upper deck is 'socks only', and the EVA dress room is 'boots only'. It is not true that men are from Mars and women are from Venus - they both belong to Mars, and a crew like our own, where women are the majority, is likely to keep Mars very clean. 
We then had lunch - a whole eight portions of soup for a very tired crew of 5, while the mission commander got a nickname - Captain Cook! It is true, as a personal note, that I love to cook - and hate to clean up! - and I think the best way of managing a mission is to have crew members do what they like best (but also what they have to do ...). 
After lunch, each member tended to their duties: Hari went to the Greenhab and later to the Musk observatory, Dragos drove the pressurized rover (SUV) with Betty and Iulia to the EVA site, while the commander had to set-up the rover. What a joy to do some electronics after more than 20 years - and what a chore to wash the dishes! 
After the away team returned from the EVA, the crew wrote their reports, and we all look forward to a nice dinner and to our first astronomy lesson at the Musk observatory - courtesy of Haritina.

Commander Check-in Report Day 04 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 18, 2011
Commander's Check-In

Crew Physical Status: Excellent 
Time Departed/Returned from EVA: 3:50 PM-6:00 PM 
Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: Science team took a soil sample and a rock sample. 
EVA Data/Interpretations: Samples to be analyzed. 
Engineering/Hab Maintenance: As per the forthcoming engineering report. 
Report Transmission Schedule: Intended by 8 PM. 
Plans for Tomorrow: A new EVA to be performed. 
Inventory: Apparently we are missing lots of pre-cooked (to-be-hydrated) meals, and some soldering materials. 
Support Requested: There is still not enough grey water to be pumped in the toilet. 
Miscellaneous: First sim day.

marți, 18 ianuarie 2011

Engineering Report Day 03 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 17, 2011
Engineering Report
Haritina Mogosanu Reporting

Kitty (Diesel Generator) (Used? Yes/No): used 
Honey (Gas Generator) (Used? Yes/No): not used 
Battery Charge Level: 
28.7 V green 
33.7 V armor plate 
40.3 V green 

Notes/Comments (include how many generator runs, approximately when, and any times you needed to turn the generator on/off): 
1 generator run all day ok 

Fuel Status: 
Diesel (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.5 
Propane Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.4 
Gasoline Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty):1 containers full x 5 gallons 2 half 1 a quarter. 

Oil: not checked we are not checking The oil and DG said to leave it on 
Kitty Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage): 
Honey Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage): 
ATV Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):on the engineering work bench 2 x 946 ml 
Car Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage):where is it? 

Water Status: 
Outside Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 10 
Trailer Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): very low little water left 
Hab Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 8 
Potable Water Meter Reading: 409926 

Condition of plants in Tank 1: plants dead please advise 
Condition of plants in Tank 2: very poor only 4 plants left 
Condition of plants in Tank 3: poor 
Greenhab Notes/Comments: plants are very few and have some leaves dead. 

Telescope Used? (Yes/no) yes 
Observatory Notes: dome engine felt off the rack and needs re-bolting. Contacted both Peter Detterline and DG. 
(Note from Mission Support: the dome engine was removed a year ago due to warping - so the dome should be opened by hand.) 

Used (yes/no):Yes 
Oil Checked (yes/no):No 
Tire Status:not checked 
Odometer at end of day:-123152 
Notes/Comments on Hab Car: 
ATV 1 (Opportunity): 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: filled 
Tire Status:not checked 
ATV 2 (Spirit):y 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed:replaced 
Tire Status:not checked 
ATV 3 (Viking I): 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: replaced 
Tire Status: not checked 
ATV 4 (Viking II): 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: replaced 
Tire Status:not checked 
Took the ATVs for a check drive around the habitat not on the road. 

Heating and Ventilation: 
Thermostat setting upstairs (Fahrenheit): 65 
Actual temperature upstairs (Fahrenheit): 78 
Thermostat setting downstairs (Fahrenheit): 55 
Actual temperature downstairs (Fahrenheit): 75 

Computers/Networking Infrastructure: 
Notes/comments on internet/computers?: all ok 

General Engineering Notes/Comments: can we organize the junk yard? (we were thinking of tidying it up)

Journalist Report Day 03 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 17, 2011
Journalist Report
Dragos Bratasanu Reporting

Today was an extremely busy day for all the crew members. After the morning engineering round, I went with the commander to the village to get the food supplies and ran back to the hab. 
Iulia and Beatrice worked all day on setting up the rover for the following days and went through geology books, and myself and Haritina set up the observatory. There was a lot of work to reach the start and we will also continue tomorrow because we didn't finish. 
The evening ended wonderfully. We took the official pictures of the crew, as attached. Hope you enjoy them!

Commander Report Day 03 RoMars2011

Log Book for January 17, 2011
Commander's Report
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

The last day out of sim begun at 9 AM with breakfast cooked by Betty and Iulia (scrambled eggs with mushrooms). Then Dragos and I headed to Hanksville in order to pick up the food allotted for our crew. We also retrieved the common food supplies. We then returned to the hab, where we all discussed in an open manner each member's strengths, weaknesses, and duties. Having people with different personalities in a confined environment is a great way of studying human behaviour, and we are sure that we will get along if we are open to compromise within the mission's limits. 
Later on we used the last day out of sim for photo-ops back home - RoMars 2011 is followed by the Romanian public by the means of one of the main newspapers. Then the engineering team began its round. Their report is forthcoming by 8 PM. Some of us will head to Hanksville for the last time before beginning simulation, then we will eat dinner - cooked by the same Betty and Iulia - and we will set up the rover. Iulia and Betty will also catalogue the newly arrived food. 
Tomorrow we will begin sim (including the food study), but before that we will clean the spacesuit helmets.

Commander Check-in Day 03 Romars2011

Log Book for January 17, 2011
Commander's Check-In

Crew Physical Status: Excellent 
Time Departed/Returned from EVA: No EVA performed today. 
Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: N/A 
EVA Data/Interpretations: N/A 
Engineering/Hab Maintenance: As per the engineering report. 
Report Transmission Schedule: CMDR check-in, CMDR report, Engineering, Photos 
Plans for Tomorrow: Begin Sim 
Inventory: Food boxes intended for our crew, and two big boxes for common use, were picked up from Hanksville. 
Support Requested: Toilet needs to be fixed: clogged and no grey water available to flush it. 
Miscellaneous: Last day out of sim.

luni, 17 ianuarie 2011

Engineering Report Day 02 Romars2011

Log Book for January 16, 2011
Engineering Report
Haritina Mogosanu Reporting

Kitty (Diesel Generator) (Used? Yes/No): used 
Honey (Gas Generator) (Used? Yes/No): not used 
Battery Charge Level:? 
28.9 V green 
33.8 V armor plate 
40.7 V green 
Notes/Comments (include how many generator runs, approximately when, and any times you needed to turn the generator on/off): 
1 generator ran all day ok 

Fuel Status: 
Diesel (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.5 
Propane Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.41 
Gasoline Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 1 containers full x 5 gallons, 2 half, 1 a quarter. 

Oil: Not checked we are not checking the oil and DG said to leave it on 
Kitty Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage): 
Honey Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage): 
ATV Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage): on the engineering work bench 2 x 946 ml 
Car Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage): 

Water Status: 
Outside Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 12 
Trailer Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): less than 1/4 and frozen 
Hab Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 8 
Potable Water Meter Reading: not sure where it is, help 
In to GreenHab Meter Reading: same 

Condition of plants in Tank 1: poor 
Condition of plants in Tank 2: poor 
Condition of plants in Tank 3: poor 
Greenhab Notes/Comments: plants are very few and have some leaves dead. 

Telescope Used? (Yes/no) no 
Observatory Notes/Comments: Observatory in good condition, dome bolted, ok 

Used (yes/no): No 
Oil Checked (yes/no): No 
Tire Status: not checked 
Odometer at end of day: -123134 
Notes/Comments on Hab Car: 
ATV 1 (Opportunity): 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: filled 
Tire Status: not checked 
ATV 2 (Spirit):y 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: replaced 
Tire Status: not checked 
ATV 3 (Viking I): 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: replaced 
Tire Status: not checked 
ATV 4 (Viking II): 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: replaced 
Tire Status:not checked 

Heating and Ventilation: 
Thermostat setting upstairs (Farenheit): 65 
Actual temperature upstairs (Farenheit): 78 
Thermostat setting downstairs (Farenheit): 55 
Actual temperature downstairs (Farenheit): 58 

Computers/Networking Infrastructure: 
Notes/comments on internet/computers?: all ok 

General Engineering Notes/Comments:

Journalist Report Day 02 Romars2011

Log Book for January 16, 2011
Journalist Report
Dragos Bratasanu Reporting

The day began early for some of the crewmembers as I woke at 5 AM in the morning. For others it started at 9 AM. After a quick snack, all the crew members wrote short reports about the first day and press releases for the Romanian media. 
The day in the field started at about 11 AM when all members rode the ATVs to get acquainted with the surroundings. The ride was wonderful and the view breathtaking. 
The evening got extremely interesting for some of us because we were stopped by the park ranger. I remember when I was a child and I used to watch American movies on TV, especially Yogi Bear. The officer reminded me of the characters in the movies of my youth. However, things turned out all right - he was extremely friendly and visited the hab. 
All the team members are writing their evening reports intensely and some of them are trying not to fall asleep while writing. I believe the jet lag is still having fun with them. I will send the pictures of the day shortly.

Commander Report Day 02 Romars2011

Log Book for January 16, 2011
Commander's Report
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

First morning at the hab, and what a joy! We decided that today we can sleep in, but everybody was up by 9. We snacked for breakfast, then three of us headed to Hanksville, as we are not yet in sim. There we met by chance Judah Epstein, the commander of the previous crew, and we reciprocated his hospitality by inviting him for lunch at the hab. I cooked pasta with tomatoes and mushrooms (normal cooking) and the last bits of Kung-Fu chicken (dehydrated). After lunch, Judah trained Iulia in using the GPS. 
Once Judah left, we started the real ATV training - we had three parties (Dragos and Haritina / Dragos, Iulia and Betty / Dragos, Haritina and Virgil), all going to Heidi's Hill and back. We are now fully knowledgeable ATV drivers. The last party was stopped by a friendly ranger who asked to see the registration documents of the vehicles - the matter was referred to mission supoprt, with the request that future crews be informed as to their whereabouts. Meanwhile, Haritina started her recycling programme - we decided that we can recycle the garbage originating at the MDRS and maybe find a helpful local use for some of it, while in the future we can see about composting the food leftovers. 
Before dinner, three crew members went to Hanksville and came back in half an hour - at their return they pretended to be wild martian coyotes. 
We will soon eat dinner (dehydrated mushroom pilaf, yet another leftover can) and the engineering team will perform their rounds and write the report. Beatrice and Iulia will continue their food inventory. 
We have informed mission support that the webcam page has still the details of the previous crew (names and mission patch), while it broadcasts us. The issue has not been solved by the time of this report.

Commander Check-in Report Day 02 Romars2011

Log Book for January 16, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

Crew Physical Status: Excellent 
Time Departed/Returned from EVA: No official EVA performed today, as we are not yet in sim, but three ATV training trips were performed to Heidi's Hill and back. 
Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: All crew members are now able to drive the ATVs! 
EVA Data/Interpretations: N/A 
Engineering/Hab Maintenance: As per the engineering report. 
Report Transmission Schedule: Intended by 8 PM. 
Plans for Tomorrow: Further training, and hab maintenance. 
Inventory: N/A 
Support Requested: Toilet needs to be fixed. 
Miscellaneous: Crews need to be informed as to the location of the ATV registrations, as they were asked for by a ranger.

duminică, 16 ianuarie 2011

Engineering Report Day 01 Romars2011

Log Book for January 15, 2011
Engineering Report
Haritina Mogosanu Reporting

Kitty (Diesel Generator) (Used? Yes/No): tested startup 
Honey (Gas Generator) (Used? Yes/No): tested startup at 4:00pm 
Battery Charge Level: Not sure where to check and will revise the notes from today. 
Notes/Comments (include how many generator runs, approximately when, and any times you needed to turn the generator on/off): 

Fuel Status: 
Diesel (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.5 
Propane Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 0.44 
Gasoline Tank (Full/0.75/0.5/0.25/Empty): 2 containers full x 5 gallons 1 half 1 a quarter. 

Oil: not checked 
Kitty Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage): 
Honey Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage): 
ATV Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage): 
Car Oil Quantity (# of Quarts in storage): 

Water Status: 
Outside Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 10 
Trailer Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): less than 1/4 and frozen 
Hab Potable Water Tank Level (inches from bottom): 10 
Potable Water Meter Reading: not sure which one is -- will have to revise notes 
In to GreenHab Meter Reading: same 

Condition of plants in Tank 1: 
Condition of plants in Tank 2: 
Condition of plants in Tank 3: 
Greenhab Notes/Comments: plants are very few and have some leaves dead. 

Telescope Used? (Yes/No): Inspected Observatory to prepare for first use 
Observatory Notes/Comments: Observatory in good condition, dome bolted, ok 

Used (yes/no): No 
Oil Checked (yes/no): No 
Tire Status:not checked 
Odometer at end of day:- 
Notes/Comments on Hab Car: 
ATV 1 (Opportunity): 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: filled 
Tire Status: not checked 
ATV 2 (Spirit): y 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: replaced 
Tire Status: not checked 
ATV 3 (Viking I): 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: replaced 
Tire Status: not checked 
ATV 4 (Viking II): 
Used: y/n y 
Oil Checked: y/n n 
Fuel Consumed: replaced 
Tire Status: not checked 

Heating and Ventilation: 
Thermostat setting upstairs (Farenheit): 65 
Actual temperature upstairs (Farenheit): 74 
Thermostat setting downstairs (Farenheit): 55 
Actual temperature downstairs (Farenheit): 58 

Computers/Networking Infrastructure: 
Notes/comments on internet/computers?: reset Musk computer @ 6pm after testing the generators 

General Engineering Notes/Comments:

Journalist Report Day 01 Romars2011

Log Book for January 15, 2011
Journalist Report
Dragos Bratasanu Reporting

The day began very early at the motel in Grand Junction. Although we were very tired after the 26-hour trip and flight, our team hit the road very early. 
Four of us didn't have expectations about the US since this is our first time here but the scenery was wonderful. After a few stops on the way to take pictures of the Utah desert, we arrived in Hanksville, at Hollow Mountain, an amazing gas station built in the mountain rock. D.G. was very kind and drove us to the MDRS. A few miles after we left the main road, Crew 97 were taking their last ride on the ATVs and led the way to MDRS. 
All of the crew members of 97 were really wonderful people and performed a detailed training for each of us. We took a complete tour of the Hab and the astronomical observatory and a short ride on the ATVs to get used to operating them. 
At the moment of writing all crew members are urgently writing their evening reports.

Commander Report Day 01 Romars2011

Log Book for January 15, 2011
Commander's Report
Virgiliu Pop Reporting

First day at the MDRS for Crew 98. 
We arrived at 1:30 PM at Hollow Mountain, where we rendez-vous-ed with DG, who led us to the MDRS. The crew handover went smoothly -- Crew 97 was extremely helpful. 
The rest of the evening will be spent acquainting ourselves with our home for the following two weeks.

Log Book for January 15, 2011
Commander's Check-In
Virgiliu Pop Reporting
Crew Physical Status: Excellent 
Time Departed/Returned from EVA: No EVA performed today, apart from training on the ATVs. 
Brief Narrative of Field Mission Results: Succesful crew handover from Crew 97. 
EVA Data/Interpretations: N/A 
Engineering/Hab Maintenance: As per the engineering report. 
Report Transmission Schedule: Intended by 8 PM. 
Plans for Tomorrow: Not entering sim yet; performing a reconaissance ATV trip. 
Inventory: N/A 
Support Requested: Toilet needs to be fixed. 
Miscellaneous: One of the webcams was blocked -- now it works as I reset the webcam computer as per Mission Support instructions.

joi, 13 ianuarie 2011

Virgiliu: Mai sunt cateva ore

"Salut! Raportez ca mi-am inceput calatoria la 07:00 hours. Cer senin, Haritina". Numai ce am primit e-mailul ei - ca Iulia i-a si raspuns: "Drum bun! Ne vedem in curand!". Eu unul, sunt la sediul ROSA, unde astept salopetele spatiale, pentru ca la ora 3 dimineata sa ma intalnesc cu Iulia si Dragos si sa plecam impreuna la aeroport. Urarile Haritinei de "cer senin" ne vor prinde bine - azi dimineata primul meu zbor a avut doua ore de intarziere din cauza cetii. Daca drumul spre MDRS este presarat de hopuri peste care trebuie sa trecem, drumul spre Marte cel adevarat e mult mai intortocheat. Ii spuneam domnului de la check-in azi dimineata: un avion intarzie o ora, doua, datorita conditiilor meteo - o naveta spatiala poate fi tinuta la sol luni de zile... Si cati factori pot interveni, in afara de cei meteo: factori politici, economici, tehnici ... Paradoxul este ca factorii tehnici sunt cei mai putin relevanti! Clima propriu-zisa poate tine o naveta spatiala cateva saptamani la sol ... climatul politic poate tine un intreg program spatial la sol decenii intregi. De aceea, misiuni ca RoMars sunt utile nu doar din punct de vedere stiintific, ci si pentru sensibilizarea opiniei publice si a factorilor de decizie, pentru a arata ca MARTE EXISTA.
In alta ordine de idei - Haritina intrebase ce ar trebui sa impachetam pentru un zbor pe Marte. Eu unul, stiu ca la MDRS nu avem voie cu sampon sau sapun "normal" - pentru ca ar afecta reciclarea apei prin sera hidroponica. Ieri noapte, pe cand impachetam, pisica mea s-a cuibarit in bagajul meu. Intrebarea mea pentru Haritina, responsabila de biosecurity la MDRS: pisicile au voie pe Marte?

luni, 10 ianuarie 2011

Da, safe travels

Am primit acest tort de la colegii astronomi din NZ.

As vrea sa comentez dar nu pot, m-au lasat fara replica :)
Maine il duc la serviciu sa il mancam :)

Este fata cu Muntele Olympus si de sus in jos: Vulcanii Arsia, Pavonis si Ascraeus :)

Cred ca pe Muntele Olympus o sa il pastrez pentru mine :)

Cred ca mi se trage de la faptul ca am spus intr-un post pe blogul www.spacefoundation.org.nz ca nu imi pot inchipui viata fara prajituri :) atunci cand vorbeam despre impachetat pentru aceasta calatorie. :)

miercuri, 5 ianuarie 2011

In drum spre Marte

Numaratoarea inversa a inceput odata cu noul an. Sunt in culmea fericirii ca particip la expeditia RoMars 2011, prima expeditie romaneasca de acest tip. Noi vom "deschide" sezonul la MDRS, urmati de echipajul ESA (European Space Agency), NASA si NASA Academy (printre altii). Vor fi doua saptamani de studiu si cercetare intensiva in conditii care simuleaza viata pe Marte.

Din 2011 Romania este membru cu drepturi depline al ESA. Ce de realizari exceptionale are tara mea in domeniul spatial! Inca mai am, pastrata foarte bine din 1981 cartea postala cu poza si semnatura lui Dumitru Dorin Prunariu, primul astronaut roman. Acum este randul meu sa visez la calatorii interplanetare si motivatiile pentru acestea.

Dar pana la visat mai am de finalizat rezumatele de la propunerile de cercetare, de invatat tot ce pot despre Musk Observatory (si telescopul sau) si de impachetat lucrurile reale. Si se pare ca asta nu este o chestie tocmai simpla http://mdrs.marssociety.org/home/the-mdrs-team/personal-packing-lists de facut.

"Ce sa imi iau cu mine?", ma tot gandesc, si imi vin tot felul de idei care imi aduc aminte de sondajele acelea de opinie pe care le primeam prin mail de la prieteni, de genul "daca maine pleci pe o insula pustie ce vrei sa iti iei cu tine?" O calatorie spre Marte dureaza cam noua luni dus noua intors plus cat mai trebuie asteptat acolo pentru fereastra de lansare inapoi. Care ar fi cele zece lucruri de care nu m-as putea desparti nici macar pe Marte?
"Ciocolata!!!" imi spune ceva mic care topaie in sus si in jos de bucurie doar la gandul acesteia. Hmm, ma gandesc: "The Songs of Distant Earth" si "Oceanic", albumele mele preferate de muzica ce m-au insotit pretutindeni in lume mai ales ca o sa stam cam prost cu apa (se pare ca simularea este destul de reala si asta include lipsa apei sau mai precis distribuirea ei rationalizata).

Voi ce v-ati lua cu voi daca maine ati pleca pe Marte? Care ar fi cele zece lucruri fara de care nu ati putea trai?

Asteptam raspunsurile de la voi pe adresa romars2011(@)gmail.com si intre timp ne gandim la un premiu adecvat pentru raspunsul castigator si mai ales la criteriile de alegere al acestuia.

Cer senin (clear skies) de la astronomi si ma intreb, pentru cei care terraformeaza planete, care ar fi salutul dorit? Rain fall?

Deci asteptam sa va premiem pentru cel mai bun salut de folosit pe Marte si cele mai haioase/stiintifice (sau / sau) raspunsuri la intrebarea: ce v-ati lua cu voi daca ati pleca acolo?